Monday, 18 May 2009

Abergele LDP Action Group Newsletter

We have written first newsletter outlining the concerns we have about the Conwy LDP and the affect it will have on Abergele. The newsletter also outlines what has been done to date along with several important dates for your diary. You can view the newsletter by clicking on pages below (the pages will open in new window).

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1 comment:

  1. Hello
    As an abergele resident this is the first I have heard about the whole incident, I was away on holiday so missed the walk, but I would very much have liked to attend to show my support. I am disgraced to hear of the plans and cannot believe their are plans to increase the size of Abergele, the town cannot cope as it is with the residents living in the area, we have one doctors surgery, I work full time and can never get an appointment to see the doctor unless I am prepared to take time off work, which in the present climate I cannot afford to do, we have dentists that only work certain hours and do not seem flexible in their opening hours again dont cover the people whom work, how can building more houses and providing a gypsy camp address these issues, surely all these issues will rise with more people coming to live in the area. I drive through Abergele twice a day to and from work out of the area because there are no jobs nearby, I have not seen a problem with traffic, the only time I notice a traffic problem is when the A55 is full of tourists and they use Abergele as a cut through to bypass the traffic jams, surely it would be better to address the fact that the A55 is not big enough know to take the volumn of traffic these days. Maybe stopping parking on the side of the roads in the town would also help elevate the traffic issue, people use the double yellow lines to park on to nip in for take aways, make deliveries etc and cause congestion.
