Friday, 22 May 2009

You can contact us on the following email address:-



  1. Congratulations on your work so far, this really needs to be fought. However after trying to email David Jones in parliment several times the address does not seem to be recognised.

    I have tried sending the following:

    As born and bred residents of Abergele we write to you in strong protest regarding the LDP's proposals of;

    90 Mixed-use housing development on green field open space land off Llanfair Road

    220 Mixed-use housing development on green field open space land (including part of the football fields) by Threeways roundabout.

    A Transit Gypsy and Traveller search site area.

    A by-pass cutting through green field open space from the top of Llanfair Road to Threeways roundabout.

    The proposed by-pass is supposedly to solve the traffic congestion of the town - a congestion that can only be aggravated by inviting another 310 families into the immediate area (some of which may be two-vehicle families). Congestion that when the traffic-lights are faulty disappears, this being down to the common sense and common courtesy of road users (this has been witnessed on many occassion).

    Walking the public footpaths from Tower Way to Tower Hill is a pleasure for many, and to look over the town from Tower Hill is capable of producing serenity to the most stressed out executives. What pleasure, what serenity will there be, in an area of already diminishing greenery, with all the traffic of a by-pass?
    Then there is the eye-sore of the by-pass itself. Are we to lose places of such beauty, and is the council to spend such vast amounts of money, all for the impatience of a few motorists? The council could wisely spend their money on improving what we already have, to see young families enjoying the recent work done on Gele Park has been a joy - there are many footpaths, the accessibility of which could be improved, the council should be concentrating on the tax payer enjoying their local enviroment, instead of destroying it.

    I shall have to print this and post it.

    Good luck - see you all this sunday for the march?

  2. I have just returned from the protest, fun march. The support was excellent. Thankfully the speaker for the LDP action group corrected 'errors' made by 'our AM' Darren Millar. If we keep the pressure up then surely we will win. Thank you for all your effort so far.

  3. Why don't you push home-working? Why aren't the Council and the Government pushing home-working. There are no losers, family life is less stressful the local shops are more likely to be supported as people have time to walk there, the environment gains and more importantly to this campaign, it takes cars off the road. The answer is staring us in the face don't decimate our countryside continually building new roads, let people stay at home, the technology is there we should stop stalling and get on with it.

  4. I also attended the gathering and walk, and would like to thank all members of the LDP action group and I promise my full support. I too was glad to hear the speaker not only correct 'errors' but also draw Mr Millar's attention to the (no) show of hands for the bypass (relief road).
    Well done to all, see you at the future meetings.

    As for the above comment - home-working is a practicle idea for some certainly, but I can't see it practicle for those in skilled manual trades, postal workers, drivers etc. Not sure what the percentage would be.

  5. Have a Parish Referendum see these two links for details

    See : 1972 Local Government Act (Wales)
    Schedule 12 Part V
    Para 34(4) and 950 at page 2279

  6. Re Referendum previous post :
    Sorry - should be Para 34(4) and (5) at page 2279.

  7. council should be concern re likely decrease in council tax revenue as higher rate payers will move out of the area as number of affordable houses increases.
