Tuesday, 12 May 2009

First Public meeting was held in the Scout Hall in Abergele on Saturday 9th May and was very well attended by over 150 concerned residents from Abergele, several local councillors and members of the press.

We were very pleased with the response from the residents of Abergele and the attendance considering such short notice and the small area which we had distributed to. Again we apologise to anyone we missed out, this was purely down to the lack of time we had to organise the event.
We have set up this blog and you can email us at

Here are some of the avenues we are currently exploring;
  • Committee members meeting held with the lead Campaigners’ against Gainsborough House today ( 10/05/09)
  • Press release/TV coverage.
  • Contacting wildlife/preservation groups.
  • Further leaflet drops / poster campaign– your help would be invaluable!
  • Community walk from the football field by Threeways garage towards Tower Hill to raise awareness of what will be lost – invite press /TV.
  • Write to all the traders in Abergele including the new owners of Gwrych Castle – potential death of the town centre.
  • Appointing a Planning Consultant to complete the representation forms in accordance with the test of soundness. There will be a cost associated with this, which we are currently obtaining quotes for.
  • A meeting has been arranged with Darren Millar AM for Friday 15thMay to gain his support in fighting these plans.

Once again we need to reiterate we cannot fight this on our own, this has to come from the community and we must keep the momentum going!

Thanks for your support!

Abergele LDP Action Group


  1. It would seem that Abergele is destined to go down the same road as so many other unfortunate, vulnerable small communities should these plans go through.

    Slightly different - perhaps - but this appears to be done in suspicious haste when you consider how long it took for new plans for the much needed local surgery.

  2. This was kept very quiet, as a large amount of people in Abergele did not know anything about this, till we saw a piece in the Journal. Stealth, by the council? So as to not get to much oposition to what they do in our communitie?
    I object to the new house's, the Gypsie Site, especially, The By-pass ?
    When ,if this gets through, would all this be completed by?

  3. Make it plain and clear to your elected councillors on the Planning Committees that if they vote in favour of the less desireable elements of the proposed developments, they can say goodbye to their cosy £10,000 + councillors part time job after the next Local Government Elections.
    That should focus their minds.
    Put simply - don't vote them in !
